Explore The Different Worlds Of Different Links
April 9, 2023

The Legend Of The Zelda franchise is one of the most popular and successful video games like Super Mario and The Legend Of Zelda franchise has been around since 1987. At the end of the first year the first ever Legend Of Zelda that was created, 6.5 million copies of the game were sold. With the popularity of the Legend Of Zelda franchise, The franchise owned by Nintendo is in the progress of making a new Legend Of Zelda game called the Legend Of Zelda Tears Of The Kingdom which is planned to be released on May 12 2023.
Link is the main character and the main protagonist of The Legend Of Zelda Franchise and appears in different versions or incarnations throughout the different games. Link is a legendary warrior and protector of the world from horrifying darkness created by the evil Ganon. No matter what Legend Of Zelda you play as Link no matter what and even though you play as a different version of Link his story is the same and he is a hero of a different title. A few examples: the Link in The Legend Of Zelda Ocarina Of Time is known as the hero of time, and another example is the Link in The Legend Of Zelda The Wind Waker is known as the hero of wind, he point is the different appearances of Link makes some people believe that it’s like a multiverse version of Legend Of Zelda which can be a similarity to Marvel.

Pros And Cons Of The Legend Of Zelda
A pro of The Legend Of Zelda is that they made a few spin offs of The Legend Of Zelda, for example the game Hyrule Warriors Age Of Calamity is a spin off of The Legend Of Zelda, and the best part about Age Of Calamity is that you don’t always have to play as Link, you can also play as Zelda herself and few new characters that were introduce in past games that you couldn’t play as. A con of The Legend Of The Zelda is that the rewards that you receive from some quests weren’t much as you hoped for. Another pro is that each Legend Of Zelda game you play there is also a difference in each game so the plot isn’t always exactly the same.

What People Like About The Legend Of Zelda
A few people I interviewed said that they liked the different incarnations/versions of Link. A lot of other people really liked Age Of Calamity because you got to play as different characters throughout the entire game. A lot of people have also commented on how they thought it was a cool idea that Nintendo added a similarity between Super Mario and The Legend Of Zelda and that is both Mario and Link are both protectors of their kingdoms from evil doers, and especially protecting a princess they care about.