To the students of JCHS…

June 22, 2023
Somehow, my high school career is coming to an end. During these past few weeks, as I get closer and closer to my graduation, I have been reflecting on my formative time at JCHS. I remember when I was a freshman, still awed by the rush of high school and intimidated by the confidence of the seniors, I was told that time would fly by, and that before I knew it I would be a senior. So many people said these words to me, that I ended up blowing them off, thinking nothing of them. But that cliche, like many others, has proven to be true.
I did not only look back upon my freshman year. In fact, I have thought a lot about each year of high school over the past month or so. On top of learning about Math, History, and English, I have learned so much about myself, making friends, and society at James Caldwell High School. Based on my experiences, and what I have learned along the way, I believe that I am quite prepared to give advice to future freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors.
To the freshmen…
Now is the time to find your way. Keep your options and your mind open, keep your judgments from holding you back. Now is the time to join clubs and talk with new people. You will learn about what you love, and you will realize what you want to stay away from in life. This is a time of changes and new experiences, and while at times it can be scary, it is best to embrace it.
To the sophomores…
During freshman year, you probably learned a lot. This second year of high school is the time to hone in, both socially and academically. You may find that this is the time to leave behind people that don’t share your values. My advice is to drop the clubs and sports you don’t enjoy and focus on the ones that bring you the most happiness. Now in terms of academics, during this year you will probably find yourself gravitating toward some subjects and drifting away from others. This is a great time to develop solid study and time-management skills.
To the juniors…
I will not sugarcoat it: Junior year is tough. This year will likely bring the greatest workload in your high school career. So, I recommend that you try to achieve a healthy balance between school, sports, friends, and family. Yes, it sounds daunting, and it takes experimentation, but finding a balance will help you to make it through and enjoy your senior year.
To the seniors…
I advise incoming seniors to take their time and enjoy this last year as much as possible. There are a lot of endings, and they come quicker than you think. So, try and savor your last days. Try to make them more sweet than bitter. Do your work and remember your responsibilities, but have fun and make some last high school memories.
I hope that my advice provides some guidance and reassurance to the future students of JCHS. I don’t intend for people to follow the lessons I learned word for word, but rather, I would want anyone who reads this to take my advice and make it their own. And for any seniors, I urge you to reflect on your time in high school, and I hope that you can take whatever you have learned and use it in the years to come.