Reflecting on High School

June 22, 2023
As a scared freshman, I never imagined my graduation from high school. It always seemed so far away, but now the time has finally come. At the end of my freshman year, my world (along with everyone else’s) was flipped upside down because of COVID. Sophomore year was spent miserable online, so I was incredibly happy when we returned to school for my junior year. Even though it was stressful, I learned a lot, like time management skills, social skills and being introduced to the college world–which was terrifying at first.
My favorite part of high school has to be within the arts realm. Chorus gave me a group of great and supportive friends, as well as knowledge about singing and music. It has always been my escape class from everything else and a place that I know I am safe in. Being a president this year with my friends Gabby and Gianna, I was able to step into a leadership role. We organized bagel breakfasts, hung pictures up and helped Mrs Timpson organize. I enjoyed making my class happy by doing these things and it taught me that I can be a leader for my younger peers. In addition to chorus, I was a part of the Theater Arts Program at JCHS. I did “Into The Woods” before it was canceled and performed in “Matilda” and “Grease,” which were very memorable. I made many friends along the way and it made me realize my passion for performing– whether it be in a group chorus or group choreography.
Another thing that would be crazy to freshman me is the fact that I played first and second doubles on the varsity tennis team this year. Tryouts were difficult freshman year. I didn’t even know if I would make it onto JV. The moment I found out I made the team I was thrilled. There were sophomores cut, but I made it. Tennis gave me some of my best friends and also taught me the lessons of hard work and determination. At 14, I didn’t think I would ever play on varsity, but with hard work, I accomplished what I thought was unachievable.
My advice to freshmen would be to step out of your comfort zone–join clubs that you wouldn’t think to join. I wish I joined more clubs as a freshman because it sets you up for the rest of high school. However, I did join Key Club which was great because it gave me service hours and introduced me to new people. After doing service for Key Club, I decided to volunteer outside of school. I did a few toy drives which showed me how lucky I am. It made me happy to give toys to families that are less fortunate during the holidays. I also decided to volunteer for the Covenant House, an organization that helps homeless teens. In 2021, my mom and I raised over $1,000 to give to the Covenant House. Volunteering is something that will always be important to me and it all started with Key Club.
High school taught me a lot, and I am thankful for all of the good and bad things, because they made me into the person I am today. I know I will be successful going into college because my four years at JCHS have prepared me for the future. Leaving high school, I take with me memories, friends, and the ability to write an essay an hour before its due.