In these poems, based on “Where I’m From” by George Ella Lyon, students consider their personal origins.
“I am from two places”
By Denise Alotto
I am from two places
My heart lies in one
Two doors that await my arrival
One welcomes me with a smile while the other lays out expectations and foundations
For who I am supposed to be
I am from a world filled with noise where I take the choice to not voice who I am
I am from the collection of rejection and doubt happening in my mind
I am from the many unopened childhood books that lay collecting dust
I am from your criticism but I know when to take it with a grain of salt
I am from a hardworking machine that never makes a scene to get a break
I am the power at my mother’s core I admire the many prices that she sacrificed to keep working
I am from the worry about my grandfather’s health; the negativity that surrounds it becoming captivity for the mind
I am from the fear of being confined in a place where my heart does not lie
I am from the place where my heart lies which will be the ultimate prize when I get there
I am from an ongoing blooper that ends when I embrace my future
“I was from a different world”
By Jaden Belger
I was from a different world
A bustling red house in a lonely town
I was from sound
Music, sewing, cooking, yelling in the background
I was from a fleeting happiness
In my uncle’s visits
I was from imagination
Marker covered hands and paper scraps
I am from a lonely house in a bustling town
Occupied by two
I am from wondering
Who are you
I am from mediocrity
With my achievements spelt through B’s and C’s
I am from fiction
Always thinking what if
“I was from Old Crayola Paints”
By Sarah Mazowiecki
I am from old crayola paints,
From rain pattering on window sills.
I am from oversized coats and scarves,
From chilly days with ice nipping my nose.
I am from the birds that sit outside my window.
From baby birds and kittens,
I am from shelters and animal rescues.
I am from star filled nights,
And old worn story books.
I am from Grimms’ Fairy Tales and Goodnight Moon.
I am from mythology,
Where gods and higher beings sit on pink clouds.
I am from tales that wrap around history,
Warping our perspective of life.
I am from magic filled lands,
With anti heroes and underdogs.
I am from my own world,
An imaginary world.
Where clouds are easy to reach, where the sea is blue and gold.
Where bushes grow perfect berries and diamonds.
I am from my own imagination.
With creatures and people like me.
I am from my own creations,
People who can grow taller than beanstalks,
And creatures with four hundred eyes.
With a boy who has static for eyes,
And a woman who is made of shadows.
I am from my dream world,
An escape world.
I am from my family.
My mother who supports me, while having to balance her own plate.
A mother who is sensitive.
I am from a grandfather who builds little towns and stories.
A grandfather who is comedic.
I am from a grandmother who is intensely caring.
A grandmother who is stubborn.
I am from a family that I love.
A family who loves me equally.
That is where I am from.