Living in a world that is surrounded by an inevitable virus has taken its toll on everyone. Specifically, it is important to note that one country has resolved their issues with COVID-19 and has proudly moved past the highly contagious virus. A virus that has cost the lives of thousands has now stopped its spread in the country of New Zealand. Their strategy was something that every country should take into account because it has not only prevented the spread, but saved thousands of lives.
When the virus first made its way into New Zealand, the federal government made an investment into their own “go hard, go early” strategy. In other words, they were ready to annihilate this virus entirely. Their most successful form of combating this virus was communication. The Ministry of Health held meetings throughout the 20 different District Health Boards to make them aware of all the new health protocols. It came down to a matter of trusting top science officials and doing what was best for their local hospitals, clinics, and departments. The federal government also put their trust into the scientists by funding their necessities. Distribution of personal protective equipment like masks and gloves was another example of excellent communication through the people and their government. Although small, New Zealand cannot be underestimated for their role in stopping the spread of this virus. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern proudly announced that there have been zero COVID cases recently, and that the country has now been back to its normal duties.
Along with successful communication skills, New Zealand has also created a non-competitive lifestyle that is not seen in the United States. Unfortunately, states in the U.S often compete with each other over distribution of PPE and healthcare resources. On an academic level, schools have fully reopened in New Zealand due to the exceptional leadership of the government. However, schools in the United States are mostly on a hybrid schedule. There is a lot that every surrounding country can learn from New Zealand, and that is how to properly manage and communicate. By doing this, the pandemic can shortly become just another chapter in the textbook of history. However, if we continue to run down a dangerous path without effective cooperation, people will continue to die every day and the pandemic will continue on.