Omigod you guys! Legally Blonde is coming to the JCHS stage on March 23, 24, 25, and 26! The show was recently cast and everyone is excited to begin the rehearsal process.

Legally Blonde is a hilarious comedy that takes us through the journey of fashion guru Elle Woods, former president of the Delta Nu sorority. Her boyfriend, Warner Huntington III, is taking her to a nice restaurant, and Elle, along with Margot, Serena, Pilar, and the rest of the Delta Nu girls, are expecting Warner to propose so he and Elle can start their lives together. When Warner breaks up with Elle instead, claiming he needs someone more “serious” and focused, Elle decides the only way she can make Warner see her for more than just her blonde hair and attractiveness, is to attend Harvard Law School with him. It is here that Elle meets Emmett Forrest, Professor Callahan, Enid Hoopes, and Vivienne Kensington, Warner’s new girlfriend, on her journey to recover her lost love. She even meets a hair stylist, Paulette, who helps her to see what her real goals are in life.
Soon Elle realizes her law adventure is more about finding herself and her self-confidence than just Warner’s love. She encounters many obstacles, including a case to prove her first client, Brooke Wyndam, is innocent of murdering her husband. Without giving too much away, in the end, Elle comes to see that being called “Legally Blonde” may not be a bad thing.
I asked some people in the JCHS cast of Legally Blonde to describe their character in one or a few words. Here were the results:
Mollie DeFilippo as Elle Woods: “Bubbly/pink/fluffy”
Sam DeSena as Margot: “Ditzy”
Kate Glennon as Serena: “Peppy”
Tori Franklin as Pilar: “Sassy”
Nick Zenobi as Emmett Forrest: “Determined”
Jenn Garamella as Paulette: “Extremely Outgoing”
Joe Lombardi as Professor Callahan: “Astute/cunning/manipulative”
Sam Mulick as Warner Huntington III: “Conceited/cocky/pretentious”
Jess Garamella as Vivienne: “Vindictive/wicked”
Greyson Gerdts as Brooke: “Intense”
Jess Rizzo as Enid: “Passionate”
Hunter Halliwell as Carlos: “Confrontational”
James Kinnally as Nikos: “Scandalous”
Eric Urban as Aaron Schultz: “Pompous/overachiever”
Ben Rovogin as Kiki the Stylist: “Saucy”
Taylor Jones as the Judge: “Fair”
Haley Askling as Mrs. Woods: “High class”