Every year, people make different resolutions to better themselves in the New Year. Some resolutions are eating healthy, starting a workout routine, creating budgets, and many more. In the beginning of the year, the gym is always packed as everyone tries to stick to their resolutions. But, normally towards the end of January to the beginning of February, New Year’s Resolutions start to fail because at that point they run up against old habits and only 25% of Americans end up sticking to their resolutions all year long. Some reasons that they fail are that people get too busy, they shift their goals and priorities, or they may not be ready for change despite it being a new year. A goal is better than a resolution because creating goals is going to help you stay inspired even when it is difficult to complete your goals.
I asked a senior Evan Scannelli in JCHS if he has any New Year’s Resolutions, and if so, is he still doing it?
Evan said, “My New Year’s Resolution is trying to be active and healthier by working out twice a day and making the perfect routine that fits best for myself. It’s something that I’ve found joy in working on myself. I’ve been doing this every single day, and I’ve already noticed results in my body from working out.”
Why are New Year’s Resolutions so hard to keep?
New Year’s Resolutions are so hard to keep because people make unrealistic expectations which makes it super difficult to achieve your goals. People may not have the time to actually make their resolutions, and it’s a lot harder to achieve your goals when you don’t have the time in your days. Another reason why New Year’s Resolutions fail is lack of motivation. If the resolution someone made isn’t important enough to them then they might lose the motivation to keep up the resolution. Some resolutions that are hard to keep are losing weight and staying fit, eating healthy, saving money and being less stressed. Some people never end up even making a resolution because some may think that it’s too late to start one. Just because the name is “New Year’s Resolutions” doesn’t mean you need to start it during the New Year.
What Percentage of New Year’s Resolutions Fail?
According to researchers only 9% of people complete their resolutions by the end of the year. Researchers also claim that 23% of people quit their resolutions by the first week of the year. 43% quit by the end of January. New Year’s Resolutions are poorly designed.
Is Making Resolutions Bad For Us?
A simple answer to that question is yes because people have expectations that resolutions are going to change your lives which causes stress. Stress can bring up emotions like feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or even burning yourself because you feel a need to achieve these goals. This is something that happens every year and it’s a cycle that is going to continue as the years go on.
If you made a New Year’s Resolution, what would it be? And if you have a New Year’s Resolution have you been sticking to it?