We’ve entered the holiday season, and Caldwell is preparing with many events to celebrate both Christmas and Hanukkah. For Christmas, many preparations are already put into place– like Caldwell’s Christmas tree at the intersection of Bloomfield Ave and Roseland Ave, waiting to be lit during the annual tree lighting this December. For Hanukkah, excitement is rising as the 8-day long holy-week approaches & preparations begin.
The local Temple Congregation Agudath Israel located on Academy Road will light the Chanukiah(Menorah) in West Caldwell, North Caldwell, Roseland and Caldwell. On the night of December 25th, they will have a communal lighting in the synagogue. During Religious School, students celebrate with Maccabiah games, and in the Early Childhood Center, they have their annual Hanukkah party on Sunday, December 15.

The Notre Dame Church, located on Central Ave, is spreading the holiday cheer. At the beginning of the month, 25 days prior to Christmas, the Church members put up their advent calendar. They also have a decorated tree with pieces of paper, with descriptions written on it as “infant boy” or “teenage girl.” On top of that, one can take ornaments and bring gifts for those in need. Notre Dame has food drives, bake sales to raise money for various causes, as well as children’s Liturgy of the Word, which is similar to Mass but tailored for children’s understanding. For breakfast, they invite Santa to join! For a lot of their events, they have a youth group volunteer to help out. Last but not least, they have a Christmas festival, don’t miss it!

Kiwanis Christmas Walks
The Kiwanis Club of Caldwell-West Essex Christmas Walk is held on December 8, from 12-4pm, on Bloomfield Ave. It is for ages 12 and above, all are welcome to join the festive event to enhance the holiday spirit. Participants and club members tour around town to see exquisitely decorated houses, each furnished in holiday richness. This is a cheerful way to start the holiday season with friends and family! There is an admission fee of $30 that goes towards reinvesting in the community, as well as raising $25,000 plus in scholarships for local college and high school students.
These are just some of the many ways that Caldwell celebrates the holiday season, celebrate your favorite holiday with many fun events alongside your family and friends right here in town with the community!