Sea Stars – Not only are they widely recognizable, from the ocean to bathroom decor to even cartoons, but they are also incredibly interesting. My favorite fact about sea stars is that they can extend their entire stomach out of their mouth in order to capture and eat their prey.

Blue Glaucus – Also known as the Blue Dragon for their striking appearance, these little guys are much more fierce than they appear. They are able to kill the Portuguese Man o’ War– one of the most deadly jellyfish in the ocean– and store its poison to use for its own defense.

Sea Cucumbers – Falling into the same family as the sea stars, sea cucumbers are much more complex than they appear. While they may not look like they can do very much, one trick sea cucumbers have is their ability to expel their internal organs out of their body, practically turning themselves inside out as a defense mechanism.

Napoleon fish – I love Napoleon fish! These fish are huge, weighing up to 400 pounds and growing up to seven and a half feet long. They are very distinctive due to their bright blue color and large lips.

Lumpsucker fish – Lumpsucker fish suck. Literally. They have suction cups on the bottom of theirbody. Since they are usually very small, and do not swim very well, they use their suction cups to attach onto something nearby to hitch a ride instead of swimming somewhere on their own.