After working in the Caldwell/West Caldwell district for about twenty years, our beloved superintendent, Dr. James Heinegg, retires. Here are his feelings and statements about his experience working with our school district.
How long have you been working with JCHS?
I worked in the district from 1991 – 2001. I was an elementary teacher, but also spent time teaching SAT Review at JCHS. In 2012, I returned to the district as superintendent. In that role, I have had more contact with JCHS.
What made you choose the Caldwell/West Caldwell District?
In 1991, I was seeking an elementary teaching position, and CWC happened to have an opening. After joining CWC as a teacher, though, we moved to the community and have lived here since 1994. So in 2012, when I chose to re-apply to CWC as superintendent, I did so with more of an experience in the community as both a teacher and a parent. I have always been impressed by the dedication of the staff and Board members, and the cohesiveness of the community.
What will you take away from working in the Caldwell/West Caldwell District?
I will take away many good memories of positive educational experiences and of people who care.
How has working in this district affected you?
I have learned a tremendous amount about education, and about the incredible diversity of views that exist even within a small community.
What was your favorite memory from JCHS?
Each year Ms. Broffman’s Human Behavior class had a unit on Memory, and I would sometimes teach a guest lesson. Those were some of my favorite memories of JCHS specifically.
What will you miss most about JCHS? Will you ever come back to visit?
I will miss most the feeling you get in the school that everyone is really embodying that motto of “a place of possibilities.” I still live in West Caldwell, so hope I will have opportunities to visit in the future.