We constantly see posts on Instagram about climate change, but what is really happening to our world? A recent study that was completed by NASA stated, “The planet’s average surface temperature has risen about 1.62 degrees Fahrenheit (0.9 degrees Celsius) since the late 19th century, a change driven largely by increased carbon dioxide and other human-made emissions into the atmosphere.” Although that might not seem like a drastic change, this rise in temperature has affected the oceans and the atmosphere. Glaciers around the world are decreasing in size due to the heat, which also causes the level of the ocean to rise. Everyday, scientists study more and more about the issue, while

statistics continue to rise.
Why Protest?
Although it may not seem like it, we have the power to change before our actions become irreversible. Students around the world are gathering to demand modifications in their governments and the approach to climate change. On March 15, 2019, tens of thousands of students marched for change in 112 countries worldwide. This movement was started by a sixteen-year-old girl from Sweden named Greta Thunberg. In August of last year, Thunberg held a protest in front of the Swedish parliament, and has continued to be an activist against climate change. She has inspired so many government representatives, school children, and adults to make a difference in this world. Greta Thunberg was recently nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for her work.
What can you do to help?
Although many people will not drastically change their lifestyle to help reverse the effects of climate change, there are many easy things you can do each day that will still make a change. These include:
- Use a reusable water bottle
- Carpool or ride a bike
- Unplug any electronics when they are not in being used
- Buy organic foods or start growing plants in a garden at home
- Vote for government officials who will help lower emissions in our country
So the next time you think, “It’s only one water bottle,” or “It’s only one piece of paper in the trash,” make sure you think of where it will end up after the garbage can.