On September 13th, Netflix came out with the new movie “Tall Girl,” which follows the life of Jodi (Ava Michelle) who is a 6’ 1’’ high school junior. She wears size 13 mens nikes, and has a lot of insecurities about her height. Her best friend Jack Dunkleman (Griffin Gluck) has been in love with Jodi for years, but she said she would never go out with him. Dunkleman also carries a milk crate around so that he can be taller than Jodi to lean down and kiss her. Jodi’s life gets interesting when Stig (Luke Eisner) a Swedish foreign exchange student comes to her school. He is surprisingly taller than Jodi. Jodi, and her tormentor Kimmy (Clara Wisley) tries to get his attention, but he ends up dating Kimmy. Stig is instantly drawn to Jodi when he finds out they both like musicals, specifically “Guys in Dolls.” Now Stig is stuck in a love triangle with Kimmy and Jodi and ends up asking his friend, Jack Dunkleman, for help. At the end of the movie, Jodi shows up to her school’s homecoming dance to tell everyone that she is more than just a tall girl.
When the first trailer for “Tall Girl” came out, it was met with instant criticism. People were complaining that more people need to be represented before tall girls should be. Others thought that the movie resembled a “Saturday Night Live” sketch, and they just could not believe that Netflix was producing this movie. After watching the movie, it was hard to come up with a list of what was good in it. On Rotten Tomatoes “Tall Girl”

currently has a rating of 38% out of 100%. One reviewer stated, “America’s mood has changed, and many viewers might not feel much empathy for the small-minded grievances of wealthy teens who drive S.U.V.s.” I believe that the movie was awful. The movie makes it hard to feel bad for Jodi because she takes advantage of all of the good things in her life. For example, her best friend Faeeda, played by Anjelika Washington, constantly stands up for Jodi, but Jodi ditches her in the middle of the movie. It’s also hard to feel bad for her because her problem didn’t feel like that big of a deal to me; 6’1 isn’t even that tall. Since most of the cast is under 5’7, Jodi looks like a giant. What I got from the movie was that Jodi was oppressed because she is tall, but I don’t think that tall, white women are the most oppressed people out there.
I obviously don’t think that it’s okay for someone to be bullied over something they have no control over, but I think Netflix took the easy way out when creating this movie by

not tackling any issues that most people have to deal with. I do not recommend watching this movie. It’s a total flop, and Netflix should just work on shows and movies that are actually good. I would have to give this movie 1 out of 5 stars, just because Angela from “The Office” is in it.