Looking back on my time in High School, I have numerous people to thank for providing me with valuable opportunities, advice, and knowledge. From experiences in my own leadership positions in clubs at JCHS, I have developed tremendous respect for those that are relied on for much larger operations. I can only imagine the complicated tasks that accompany taking charge of an entire high school, and so I am infinitely grateful to the JCHS administration for the work they have put into making sure the student body feels safe, has their concerns heard, and becomes prepared for the future.

One of the main instances in which the JCHS administration allows their students creative freedom and expression is the facilitated process of creating a club. Any student can propose a club provided that they have a teacher willing to supervise it. This simple procedure has led to the creation of multiple clubs whose rise I have witnessed in my four years at JCHS, such as the Engineering Club, Culture Club, and the Political Discussion Club. It is a true privilege having the opportunity to create a community around a common interest, and the JCHS administration has always encouraged this.
During the first half of this school year, I experienced the exciting and yet arduous process of applying to colleges. Despite the many hurdles and endless questions I had, my guidance counselor always offered me an express and thorough response. In addition to the rapid responses to my questions, the guidance office also forwarded my transcript and application to the schools I applied to in a very timely manner, saving me from instances when the application deadline was quickly approaching.
All students should feel safe in school, and the administration has been very diligent to provide information regarding useful strategies in emergency situations. An assembly was held where Alvaro and Shawn, two survivors of the Seton Hall Fire, gave a presentation on fire safety and general emergency preparedness. More recently, the Seniors attended an assembly where Detective Mazzeo went into detail describing the proper conduct during an active shooter situation, and also advised caution over Memorial Day weekend. In light of recent tragedies in high schools around the country and the distressing events at the Music Marathon, it is comforting to see that the administration has shown safety to be a top priority at JCHS through the implementation of new policies, such as the permanently locked doors around the school campus.
I have seen the JCHS administration adapt over the years, and I am confident that they will continue to do so in the future. When students, parents, or faculty have an issue with how our school is run, the administration is more than willing to sit down and talk about the concerns. In fact, rather than being suppressed, grievances (such as those expressed in this article of the last publication date) are allowed to be expressed in this very forum: “The Caldron”. The discourse generated from these issues serves to benefit the school in the long run, especially due to the receptive nature of the administration.
Ultimately, I feel that our school’s leadership has a profoundly solid foundation, and although I will be moving on soon, I look forward to visiting in order to see how far JCHS has come.