The beloved Grover Cleveland Park, a staple of Caldwell in all seasons is getting a very serious makeover. According to the Caldwell Patch, the new Grover Cleveland Park is a 1.2 million dollar project to update equipment and revamp the park. The current equipment was installed in 2003, and was due for renovations.
Grover Cleveland Park was first constructed in 1916. It included many of the features that it has today. The land was acquired for a park in 1913 and The Olmsted Brothers designed the park, including plans for the creek that feeds Grover Cleveland Pond, back in the 1910’s. According to the Grover Cleveland Park Conservatory, the original Grover Cleveland Park looked much like our own with tennis courts, baseball fields and playgrounds.

Grover Cleveland park is such a central part to Caldwell as a town. The time the park playgrounds and tennis courts are closed, from March 1st to July 1st, may be difficult for families. Caldwell school districts end school on the 21st of June. The time between then and July 1st may seem short, but for children excited about being out of school, may be difficult if they do not have that playground. Additionally, Jefferson Elementary School still has the no homework policy, in which teachers cannot assign homework to students in an effort to get them outside. When the weather starts to warm as it has in the last few weeks of April and May, young children may be anxious to be outside, but have nowhere to go.
In a statement, officials described the plans for the new park. It will have one section for younger children, and another for older. New to the park will be a small zip line. Along with the new playgrounds, there will be improvements to the tennis courts. New terrain and netting for the courts will be installed. The production began on March 1, and the park is due to open up again on July 1st.