Softball at James Caldwell High Schools continues to strive for greatness against their opponents on their upper field.
Between 2003 and 2011, the Caldwell Softball team has had six sectional titles, and all the players have been striving for success ever since. The James Caldwell Softball team are optimistic about how the season has gone in the last couple months now with a league record of 5 to 1.

The girls have been working hard since mid-March with the help of their coaches, brothers Mike and Mark Teschkoyan. Because of the limited space provided at the high school, the Varsity and Junior Varsity softball teams have had to share the Grover Cleveland Middle School gym and auxiliary gym with one another. With the harsh weather in the early portion of the season, the fields could not have been used until mid-April, making it even more challenging for practices. Even with these negative factors however, the team now has a record of 11 wins and 5 losses. The team continues to display outstanding amounts of positive energy, even in times of hardships.
Often underclassmen are ostracized from the team due to their age, however this year the Varsity team has been especially inclusive, even with only two freshmen and just three sophomores on the roster. Freshman Carina Whiting gives some incite “I really love my team” said the centerfielder “They are super sweet and supportive and give you really good criticism if you make a mistake without sounding rude or mean.”
Team captains and seniors Carlie Corrigan and Taylor Stafford give their opinions about the success of the team thus far.
“We have a great core group of girls and we’ve been most successful with sharp defence and stringing key hits together to win our games” Corrigan, starting pitcher, said.
Taylor Stafford added, “I think our team is really successful this year because we have great communication and everyone is doing a great job of staying positive and trying their best” added Stafford, first baseman.

This team’s positive energy has come in handy especially against their rival team Verona and consistently losing to Millburn. “We have overcome our losses and are always looking to improve as the season progresses” Corrigan had said.
As always, the Caldwell pride lives on as this sturdy and optimistic softball team continues to create success for themselves hoping to win the conference coming up.