The student section for the football games are back and better than ever this year. It might be due to the new field and lights, or the football being great, or the passion and school spirit of the senior class, or maybe even a combination of all three. The student section, affectionately known as the “tribe,” is even in the running for best student section in New Jersey. Vote for them here.

The passion and enthusiasm from the tribe is indescribable. One of the leaders of the tribe Joe Carola tried to put the feeling of being in the tribe into words, “The tribe this year is something I’ll always remember. I’ve never been so passionate about the tribe like this before, not only because of the tons of fun we have, but because of the energy and fun we bring to the football players, parents and even teachers. I’m honored to be apart of something like this and it will always be remembered in a positive way. Make the tribe live forever”. Also, Christian Dalla Riva, a senior on the football team, simply put it: “They are just so loud. Their excitement makes the team do better. They’re supportive and dedicated.” So at your next game remember to look or just listen for Caldwell’s amazing tribe.